Results for 'Jorge F. Jaramillo'

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  1.  92
    Effect of Ethical Climate on Turnover Intention: Linking Attitudinal- and Stress Theory.Jay P. Mulki, Jorge F. Jaramillo & William B. Locander - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):559-574.
    Attitudinal- and stress theory are used to investigate the effect of ethical climate on job outcomes. Responses from 208 service employees who work for a country health department were used to test a structural model that examines the process through which ethical climate (EC) affects turnover intention (TI). This study shows that the EC–TI relationship is fully mediated by role stress (RC), interpersonal conflict (IC), emotional exhaustion (EE), trust in supervisor (TS), and job satisfaction (JS). Results show that EC reduces (...)
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    Género y gestión de riesgos: una propuesta desde la experiencia clínica en la coadyuvancia de la acción popular de la micro cuenca la Picacha de Medellín.Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría, Lina Jaramillo Marín, Deisy Catalina Villada-Gallego, Henry Alejandro Bolívar-Callejas & Daniel Roberto Salcedo Ramírez - 2014 - Ratio Juris 9 (19):97-125.
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    Eutectic isolation in Mg-Al-Cu-Li alloys by centrifugal processing.Jörg F. Löffler, Sven Bossuyt, Atakan Peker & William L. Johnson - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (24):2797-2813.
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    Deus, consciência e gnosticismo na actual filosofia da religião: algumas orientações tomistas.Jorge F. Teixeira Lopes - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):1193-1220.
    This article intends to address the problem about God, consciousness and gnostic legacy to modernity, whose immanent nature leads to serious philosophical conclusions. Indeed, the most important concept of contemporary idealism, within philosophy of religion, is consciousness, which is related with human’s individualism and self-sufficiency. In a cosmic approach, this doctrine proposes a pantheistic view of the universe and a paradigm of man’s deification and self-redemption, whose mainstream is the New Era’s spirituality without religion. Finally, an outline of Thomist doctrines (...)
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  5. El castigo corporal como método de disciplina contra niños, niñas y adolescentes frente a la Corte Interamericana de Derecho Humanos: Un desafío internacional.Jorge F. Calderón Gamboa, Emilio García Méndez, Cristina Lafont, Alejandra Núñez Luna & María Laura Manrique Pérez - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:73-96.
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  6. Oaxaca antes, en y despues de la Independencia.Jorge F. Iturribarría - 1974 - Humanitas 15:529-543.
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    Das Sichtbare Denken: Modelle und Modellhaftigkeit in der Philosophie und den Wissenschaften.Jörg F. Maas (ed.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    Wurde bereits beim ersten Band der Reihe 'Philosophie & Repräsentation' / 'Philosophy & Representation' das Verhältnis von Dargestelltem und Darstellung am Beispiel des Diagramms bzw. der Diagrammatik erörtert und problematisiert, so geht es nun im zweiten Band um die Frage der grundsätzlichen Notwendigkeit von Modellen für das Denken. Die mechanischen oder symbolischen Modelle sind in allen ihren Formen die Vergegenständlichung menschlicher Vorstellung, und das sowohl in rationalistischer, also theorie-immanenter, wie auch in irrationalistischer Hinsicht. Sie sind dies nicht nur im Sinne (...)
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    David Friedrich Strauss als theologischer Hegelianer: mit unveröffentlichten Briefen.Jörg F. Sandberger - 1972 - Göttingen,: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    L'anthropologie, les organisations non-gouvernementales et le développement.Jorge F. Pantaleón - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (3-4):469-478.
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    Nación, comunidad Y obra.Jorge F. Hernández Pérez - 2009 - Alpha (Osorno) 29.
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    Understanding cheating behaviours: proactive and reactive intentions.Tânia Marques, Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Jorge F. S. Gomes - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):415-429.
    The understanding of a wide array of practices related to fraud, bribery, corruption, and more widely, illicit practices have been capturing the attention of practitioners and management researchers worldwide. A substantial portion of the extant research has used university students to measure their actual or intended cheating behaviours and often studies have tested for variations across countries and cultures. We highlight some major concerns in this stream of inquiry and discuss both the definition and some inconclusive results in prior studies, (...)
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    Coherency strain and precipitation kinetics: crystalline and amorphous nitride formation in ternary Fe–Ti/Cr/V–Si alloys.B. Schwarz, P. J. Rossi, L. Straßberger, F. Jörg, S. R. Meka, E. Bischoff, R. E. Schacherl & E. J. Mittemeijer - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (27):3098-3119.
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  13. Critical Role of Leadership on Ethical Climate and Salesperson Behaviors.Jay P. Mulki, Jorge Fernando Jaramillo & William B. Locander - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):125-141.
    Leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for ethical climate in organizations. In recent years, there has been an increased skepticism about the role played by corporate executives in developing and implementing ethics in business practices. Sales and marketing practices of businesses, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, have come under increased scrutiny. This study identifies a type of leadership style that can help firms develop an ethical climate. Responses from 333 salespeople working for a North American subsidiary of (...)
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    La filosofía, una apuesta sobre lo imposibe: Diálogo Filosófico con René Schérer.Mónica Jaramillo & Jorge Francisco Maldonado Serrano - 2015 - Praxis Filosófica 40:231-249.
    En días pasados tuvimos como huésped de honor en nuestra universidad al filósofo francés René Schérer, uno de los más ilustres representantes del pensamiento contemporáneo en el ámbito internacional. Egresado de la célebre Escuela Normal Superior de París (rue d’Ulm), René Schérer es actualmente profesor emérito de la Universidad París 8 (Vincennes-Saint Denis). Inicialmente se dio a conocer gracias a sus trabajos sobre estética fenomenológica y fenomenología de la comunicación, así como por su traducción, del alemán al francés, de las (...)
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    “El control judicial le cuesta demasiado a la democracia”. Entrevista a Jeremy Waldron.Leonardo García Jaramillo & Vicente F. Benítez-R. - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48:171-182.
    A propósito de su reciente visita a Colombia, invitado por la Corte Constitucional y la Universidad de La Sabana, los profesores Leonardo García Jaramillo y Vicente F. Benítez-R. entrevistaron al profesor Jeremy Waldron. Waldron fue Chichele Professor en la Universidad de Oxford, discípulo y contradictor de Dworkin, y es uno de los autores más influyentes del debate teórico político y constitucional contemporáneo. Actualmente es University Professor de la Universidad de New York. La traducción al español de la entrevista es (...)
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    Molecular chaperones in cellular protein folding.Jörg Martin & F.‐Ulrich Hartl - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (9):689-692.
    The discovery of “molecular chaperones” has dramatically changed our concept of cellular protein folding. Rather than folding spontaneously, most newly synthesized polypeptide chains seem to acquire their native conformation in a reaction mediated by these versatile helper proteins. Understanding the structure and function of molecular chaperones is likely to yield useful applications for medicine and biotechnology in the future.
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    Cuadripolos eléctricos y la serie de Fibonacci.Calle Trujillo, Jorge Eduardo, Alexander Molina Cabrera & Augusto Cano Jaramillo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  18. A delimitaçao do território de Alpreada.António Josè F. Silva Jorge - 1998 - Humanitas 50:529-538.
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    Importance of the History of Ideas in Latin America: Zea's Positivism in MexicoThe Impact of Metaphysics on Latin American Ideology.Jorge J. E. Gracia & F. Miro Quesada - 1975 - Journal of the History of Ideas 36 (1):177.
  20.  9
    SNAP23 is selectively expressed in airway secretory cells and mediates baseline and stimulated mucin secretion.Binhui Ren, Zoulikha Azzegagh, Ana M. Jaramillo, Yunxiang Zhu, Ana Pardo-Saganta, Rustam Bagirzadeh, Jose R. Flores, Wei Han, Yong-jun Tang, Jing Tu, Denise M. Alanis, Christopher M. Evans, Michele Guindani, Paul A. Roche, Jayaraj Rajagopal, Jichao Chen, C. William Davis, Michael J. Tuvim & Burton F. Dickey - unknown
    Airway mucin secretion is important pathophysiologically and as a model of polarized epithelial regulated exocytosis. We find the trafficking protein, SNAP23, selectively expressed in secretory cells compared with ciliated and basal cells of airway epithelium by immunohistochemistry and FACS, suggesting that SNAP23 functions in regulated but not constitutive epithelial secretion. Heterozygous SNAP23 deletant mutant mice show spontaneous accumulation of intracellular mucin, indicating a defect in baseline secretion. However mucins are released from perfused tracheas of mutant and wild-type mice at the (...)
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    Impact of Customer Orientation, Inducements and Ethics on Loyalty to the Firm: Customers’ Perspective.Leslier M. Valenzuela, Jay P. Mulki & Jorge Fernando Jaramillo - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):277-291.
    Customer orientation and the development of long-term relationships with customers are known conditions for growth and profit sustainability. Businesses use special treatments, inducements, and personal gestures to show their appreciation to customers. However, there are concerns about whether these inducements really create the right perceptions in customer’s mind. This study suggests that when customers believe that the firm is ethical, the inducements and special treatments received are seen in a positive light and can help develop loyalty. The hypotheses were tested (...)
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  22. Acta Académico en conmemoración del V Centenario del nacimiento de Melchor Cano (1509-2009).Jorge Juan F. Sangrador - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (442):367-368.
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    Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress.Jörg Matthes, Marina F. Thomas, Kathrin Karsay, Melanie Hirsch, Anna Koemets, Desirée Schmuck & Anja Stevic - 2022 - Communications 47 (3):327-349.
    Mobile social media have become a widespread means to participate in everyday social and professional life. These platforms encourage the disclosure and exchange of personal information, which comes with privacy risks. While past scholarship has listed various predictors and consequences of online privacy concerns, there has been to date no empirical investigation of a conceivable relationship with perceived stress. Using a longitudinal panel study, we examined the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress. Results supported the (...)
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  24. Some Thoughts on A. H. Louie’s “More Than Life Itself: A Reflection on Formal Systems and Biology”. [REVIEW]Claudio Gutiérrez, Sebastián Jaramillo & Jorge Soto-Andrade - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (3):439-454.
    We review and discuss A. H. Louie’s book “More than Life Itself: A Reflexion on Formal Systems and Biology” from an interdisciplinary viewpoint, involving both biology and mathematics, taking into account new developments and related theories.
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    Nietzsche e Prinz.Jorge Luiz Viesenteiner & Vinícius F. Apolinário - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e43798.
    O objetivo do texto é não apenas explicar a contribuição da filosofia de Nietzsche no atual debate em torno da filosofia das emoções, por meio da aproximação teórica com o emocionismo de Jesse Prinz – especialmente da abordagem das emoções entendidas como sentimento –, mas, sobretudo, defender a tese da compatibilidade da abordagem cognitiva e não cognitiva das emoções. Assim, se por um lado, emoções são acompanhadas de sinais somáticos, por outro lado, emoções também representam preocupações (Prinz) ou avaliações (Nietzsche) (...)
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    An approach to understanding avalanche statistics in mean‐field driven threshold systems.Eric F. Preston & Jorge S. Sá Martins - 2005 - Complexity 10 (4):68-72.
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    Algorithmic Measurement Procedures.Aldo F. G. Solis-Labastida & Jorge G. Hirsch - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):749-763.
    Measurements are shown to be processes designed to return figures: they are effective. This effectivity allows for a formalization as Turing machines, which can be described employing computation theory. Inspired in the halting problem we draw some limitations for measurement procedures: procedures that verify if a quantity is measured cannot work in every case.
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  28. Books on Personal Identity since 1970.Kenneth F. Barber, Jorge Je Gracia, York Press, Andrew Brennan, Caroline Walker Bynum, Michael Carrithers, Roderick M. Chisholm, I. L. La Salle & Frederick C. Doepke - 2003 - In Raymond Martin & John Barresi (eds.), Personal identity. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    Task Integration Facilitates Multitasking.Rita F. de Oliveira, Markus Raab, Mathias Hegele & Jörg Schorer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions.Linda Martín Alcoff, Debra A. Castillo, Santiago Castro-Gómez, Rafael Cervantes Martínez, Felipe Gil Chamizo, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Jorge J. E. Gracia, María Mercedes Jaramillo, María Pía Lara-Zavala, Eduardo Mendieta, Walter Mignolo, Iván Petrella, Roberto Regalado Álvarez, Mario Sáenz, Ofelia Schutte & Leopoldo Zea (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From the most prominent thinkers in Latin American philosophy, literature, politics, and social science comes a challenge to conventional theories of globalization. The contributors to this volume imagine a discourse in which revolution requires no temporalized march of progress or takeovers of state power but instead aims at local control and the material conditions for human dignity.
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    Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant.Kenneth F. Barber & Jorge J. E. Gracia (eds.) - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is the first to concentrate on the problems of individuation and identity in early modern philosophy and to trace their philosophical development through the period in a coherent way.
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  32. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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    Anti‐inflammatory effects of melatonin in multiple sclerosis.Mauricio F. Farez, Ismael L. Calandri, Jorge Correale & Francisco J. Quintana - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (10):1016-1026.
    Melatonin is a hormone with complex roles in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders. Over the years, it has become clear that melatonin may exacerbate some autoimmune conditions, whereas it alleviates others such as multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by a dysregulated immune response directed against the central nervous system. Indeed, the balance between pathogenic CD4+ T cells secreting IFN‐γ (TH1) or IL‐17 (TH17); and FoxP3+ regulatory T cells and IL‐10+ type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr1 cells) (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel: Dissertatio philosophica de orbitis planetarum/ Philosophische Dissertation über die Planetenbahnen.Jörg Hüttner - 2023 - Philosophische Rundschau 70 (3):367.
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    Pathology of submeasures and $$F_{\sigma }$$ ideals.Jorge Martínez, David Meza-Alcántara & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (7):941-967.
    We address some phenomena about the interaction between lower semicontinuous submeasures on $${\mathbb {N}}$$ N and $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideals. We analyze the pathology degree of a submeasure and present a method to construct pathological $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideals. We give a partial answers to the question of whether every nonpathological tall $$F_{\sigma }$$ F σ ideal is Katětov above the random ideal or at least has a Borel selector. Finally, we show a representation of nonpathological $$F_{\sigma }$$ (...)
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    Hutcheson, F.: On human nature, editado por Thomas Mauner, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, 194 págs.Jorge Vicente Arregui - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico:793-794.
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    Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) in Spanish Adolescents: Factor Structure and Rasch Analysis.María Carmen Pichardo, Francisco Cano, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente, F. Javier Peralta-Sánchez & Jorge Amate-Romera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)Segmentation of Older Adults in the Acceptance of Social Networking Sites Using Machine Learning.Patricio E. Ramírez-Correa, F. Javier Rondán-Cataluña, Jorge Arenas-Gaitán, Elizabeth E. Grandón, Jorge L. Alfaro-Pérez & Muriel Ramírez-Santana - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study analyzes the most important predictors of acceptance of social network sites in a sample of Chilean elder people. We employ a novelty procedure to explore this phenomenon. This procedure performs apriori segmentation based on gender and generation. It then applies the deep learning technique to identify the predictors by segments. The predictor variables were taken from the literature on the use of social network sites, and an empirical study was carried out by quota sampling with a sample size (...)
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    BIANCO, F., Introduzione a Dilthey, Editori Laterza, Bari, 1985, 252 págs.Jorge Vicente Arregui - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico:231-231.
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  40. Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Katarzyna Pisanski, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Grace Akello, Charlotte Alm, Afifa Anjum, Kelly Asao, Boris Bizumic, Mahmoud Boussena, David M. Buss, Marina Butovskaya, Seda Can, Katarzyna Cantarero, Hakan Cetinkaya, Marco A. C. Varella, Rosa M. Cueto, Marcin Czub, Seda Dural, Ignacio Estevan, Carla S. Esteves, Jorge Contreras-Graduño, Ivana Hromatko, Chin-Ming Hui, Feng Jiang, Konstantinos Kafetsios, András Láng, Torun Lindholm, Giulia Lopez, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Rocío Martínez, Norbert Meskó, Conal Monaghan, Bojan Musil, Jean C. Natividade, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Mohd S. Omar Fauzee, Baris Özener, Ariela F. Pagani, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Mariia Perun, Nejc Plohl, Camelia Popa, Pavol Prokop, Muhammad Rizwan, Mario Sainz, Christin-Melanie Vauclair & Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505966.
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    Literatura menor en Tirano Banderas desde la propuesta de lectura filosófica de la novela de G. Deleuze y F. Guattari.Jorge Francisco Maldonado Serrano, Mario Augusto Palencia Silva & Alonso Silva Rojas - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (2):157-179.
    Este artículo trata, en un primer momento, de presentar los puntos fundamentales de la propuesta de Deleuze y Guattari en torno a la literatura menor, para pasar, en un segundo momento, a mostrar cómo, en Tirano Banderas, Del Valle-Inclán crea una literatura menor que permite al lector experimentar distintas maneras de enunciación que rompen formas tradicionales de creación literaria y expresan intensidades y rupturas en el mecanismo maquínico de ejercicio del poder en América Latina. De esta manera, Tirano Banderas, como (...)
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    Plagiarism, Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru.Andres M. Carnero, Percy Mayta-Tristan, Kelika A. Konda, Edward Mezones-Holguin, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, German F. Alvarado, Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jorge L. Maguiña, Eddy R. Segura, Antonio M. Quispe, Edward S. Smith, Angela M. Bayer & Andres G. Lescano - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1183-1197.
    Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the implementation (...)
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    George F. Hourani 1913 - 1984.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1984 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 58 (2):275 - 276.
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  44. Actividades del Comité Ejecutivo Servir es Nuestro Objetivo.C. P. C. Manuel C. Gutiérrez García, C. P. C. Óscar Márquez Cristerna, C. P. C. Luis R. Argüelles Rosenzweig, C. P. C. José Besil Bardawil, C. P. C. Leopoldo Escobar Latapí, C. P. C. Adolfo F. Alcocer Medinilla, C. P. C. Jorge Sánchez Hernández, C. P. C. Vícto Keller Kaplanska, C. P. C. Lucina Trejo Ceseña & C. P. C. Pedro Núñez Rodríguez - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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    Hans‐Jörg Rheinberger as a Philosopher of Time.Michael F. Zimmermann - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):434-451.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 434-451, September 2022.
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Psychiatry in the Ancient Greece.José E. Muñoz-Negro, Juan F. Mula-Ponce, Josefa M. López-Pérez, José Pablo Martínez-Barbero & Jorge A. Cervilla - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):277-293.
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    Flórez-Miller, Guillermo. “El concepto de la voluntad libre en la Introducción a los Principios de la filosofía del derecho de G.W.F. Hegel”. Pensamiento y Cultura [Universidad de la Sabana] 16.1 (2013): 18-40. [REVIEW]Jorge Aurelio Diaz - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):272-273.
    Flórez-Miller, Guillermo. "El concepto de la voluntad libre en la Introducción a los Principios de la filosofía del derechode G.W.F. Hegel". Pensamiento y Cultura [Universidad de la Sabana] 16.1 (2013): 18-40.
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    Novel ethical dilemmas arising in geriatric clinical practice.Elisa Constanza Calleja-Sordo, Adalberto de Hoyos, Jorge Méndez-Jiménez, Nelly F. Altamirano-Bustamante, Sergio Islas-Andrade, Alejandro Valderrama, Carmen García-Peña & Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):229-236.
    The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the state of the art of the medical care, when healthcare personal is confronted with ethical dilemmas related with the care they give to the geriatric population. An observational, longitudinal, prospective and qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the correlation between healthcare personnel–patient relationship, and ethical judgments regarding dilemmas that arise in daily clinical practice with geriatric patients. Mexican healthcare personnel with current active practices were asked to write up an ethical (...)
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    Squares in Fork Arrow Logic.Renata P. De Freitas, Jorge P. Viana, Mario R. F. Benevides, Sheila R. M. Veloso & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):343 - 355.
    In this paper we show that the class of fork squares has a complete orthodox axiomatization in fork arrow logic (FAL). This result may be seen as an orthodox counterpart of Venema's non-orthodox axiomatization for the class of squares in arrow logic. FAL is the modal logic of fork algebras (FAs) just as arrow logic is the modal logic of relation algebras (RAs). FAs extend RAs by a binary fork operator and are axiomatized by adding three equations to RAs equational (...)
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  50.  50
    Protein transport into peroxisomes: Knowns and unknowns.Tânia Francisco, Tony A. Rodrigues, Ana F. Dias, Aurora Barros-Barbosa, Diana Bicho & Jorge E. Azevedo - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700047.
    Peroxisomal matrix proteins are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and rapidly transported into the organelle by a complex machinery. The data gathered in recent years suggest that this machinery operates through a syringe-like mechanism, in which the shuttling receptor PEX5 − the “plunger” − pushes a newly synthesized protein all the way through a peroxisomal transmembrane protein complex − the “barrel” − into the matrix of the organelle. Notably, insertion of cargo-loaded receptor into the “barrel” is an ATP-independent process, whereas extraction (...)
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